Leading with Presence: Stop Reacting and Thrive in a Frantic World with Reed

Work with Reed to embrace your authentic self, live mindfully and reclaim your power to find inner peace and thrive in a frantic world

Apply now to talk with Reed to learn more.

A Way of Being: Leading with Presence

You’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Are you constantly on edge, pushing through daily life, and unable to find peace in a frantic world? Your actions may feel empty, and you might find yourself settling for less than you deserve.

You’re struggling with stress reactivity. Do you react to stressors instead of responding mindfully? It can feel like you're losing control over your reactions, leading to heightened anxiety and frustration. This reactivity often leaves you feeling disconnected from your true self and fully experiencing the present.

You’re indulging in unauthentic behaviors. Are you giving in to temptations that offer temporary relief but ultimately pull you away from who you truly are and where you want to be? This can create a sense of internal conflict and repression, as you're drawn towards a higher path but feel unable to align with it.

You’re feeling different and unfulfilled. Do you feel like you don't fit in and are meant for something more? You may sense a disconnect between your current life and your true potential, feeling a constant pull towards a more authentic, empowered version of yourself. When not aligned with this higher path, you may feel repressed and unfulfilled.

If any of this resonates with you, know that YOU’RE NOT ALONE. I specialize in helping individuals like you defeat anxious reactivity and reclaim inner power by leading with mindfulness and authenticity.

Through personalized coaching sessions, I'll help you develop practical mindfulness techniques, regain control over your reactions, and connect with your authentic self to confidently lead your life.

Are you ready to step into your power and lead a life guided by intention and presence? Take the first step towards transformation today.



In today's hierarchical and frantic world, we can feel disconnected from our true selves, leading to a sense of isolation and disempowerment.

The "Authentic Self: From Isolation to Inner Strength" coaching program is designed to help you reconnect with your core identity, cultivate self-awareness, and develop the inner strength needed to navigate life with confidence and authenticity.

By participating in the "Authentic Self: From Isolation to Inner Strength" coaching program, you will:

  • Gain clarity on your core identity and values

  • Break free from limiting beliefs and self-doubt

  • Cultivate self-compassion and self-acceptance

  • Improve your communication skills and assertiveness

  • Enhance your mindfulness and presence

  • Build resilience and inner strength to face life's challenges with confidence

Who Can Benefit:

This program is ideal for anyone who feels disconnected from their authentic self, struggles with interaction or wants greater clarity, confidence, and fulfillment in their personal and professional life.

3 Month or 6 Month Commitments. One on One Coaching.

Package starts at $2500.

Click below to talk with Reed to learn more.


In today's hierarchal and frantic world, we can feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, leading to reactive patterns of behavior that hinder our well-being and render ourselves powerless to external forces.

The "Mindful Presence: Overcoming Anxious Reactivity" coaching program is designed to help you cultivate a deeper sense of mindfulness and presence, empowering you to respond to life with openness, peace and resilience.

By participating in this coaching program, you will:

  • Develop greater self-awareness and emotional resilience

  • Learn where an indulgence in food and substances impact reactivity

  • Establish a deeper sense of mindfulness and presence

  • Break free from habitual patterns of anxious reactivity

  • Manage stress and challenging situations with greater ease and clarity

  • Experience peace, balance, and well-being in your daily life

Who Can Benefit:

This program is ideal for anyone who struggles with anxiety, stress, or reactive patterns of behavior and desires to cultivate greater mindfulness, presence, and resilience in their life.

3 Month Or 6 Month Commitments. One on One Coaching.

Package starts at $2500.

Click below to talk with Reed to learn more.


In our lives, whether at work or at home, the ability to lead with presence can profoundly impact our interactions and outcomes.

The "Leading with Presence: Aligning with Something Greater" coaching program goes beyond the world and the self. It is designed for individuals seeking to transcend their being while connecting with a higher power, empowering them to lead more authentically, peacefully and spiritually in all aspects of their lives.

By participating in this coaching program, individuals will:

  • Cultivate a strong sense of presence and authenticity in all aspects of their lives

  • Clarify their personal vision and values, living with higher purpose and intentionality

  • Experience a profound sense of self-discovery and spiritual awakening

  • Enhance their communication skills, fostering deeper connections and understanding in their relationships

  • Navigate change and uncertainty with resilience and adaptability

  • Foster a culture of presence and purpose in their everyday interactions and routines

Who Can Benefit:

This program is ideal for anyone seeking to be a part of something greater than themselves. This means pursuing a connection with a higher power and living with greater purpose in their personal and professional lives.

6 Month Or 12 Month Commitments. One on One Coaching.

Package starts at $4999.

Click below to talk with Reed to learn more.

What’s included:

Ethical Coaching Methods

Coaching is not telling you what to do. The coach dissolves their ego to hold space and empower your growth journey. The focus is transforming your current state to your future.

Virtual 1-1 coaching sessions

Providing safe, confidential space to open up so that you understand patterns, gain transformative realizations and effectively navigate through current obstacles and barriers.

Mindfulness Tools

Learn practices, techniques and resources to help overcome anxious and indulgent behaviors, reach a state of mindfulness and effectively lead with presence.

Personalized action plans

Accountable action makes your progress true. Based on your 1-1 sessions, I will help you create tangible steps to act upon to further cement growth.

Meet Reed.

I’m a mindfulness & presence coach helping people embrace their authentic selves, defeat anxious reactivity and practice mindfulness to reclaim inner power in a frantic world.

With an extensive background in philosophy, cognitive science, self-development and business, I am a Master Certified Life Coach focused on providing the space that helps others live to a higher path of fulfillment.

My unique ability is having a deep and open awareness of the thoughts, feelings and interactions between others. This empowers me to dive deep into one’s authentic inner workings, recognize behavior patterns and prioritize a sense of truth so that we align to move forward on the higher path ahead.

I am committed to holding the utmost presence so that I effectively provide the gift of spaces that changed my life:

This is the space that helps you during your darkest times.

The space that builds your confidence to authentically connect with others.

The space that empowers you to navigate a world of temptation.

And the space to be a part of something greater than you.